Workday Optimization is a Journey, Not a Race

Ever move into a new house? We’ll wait while you recover from wincing. It’s an exciting time with a lot of mundane-yet-stressful steps all mashed up at the front of the endeavor. Packing everything you own into cardboard containers just to unpack them again is typically a months-long chore, and on top of that there’s moving all of your utilities, updating your mailing address for a hundred different things, and try to remember where you put the wedding china, the dog’s leash, and the remote for the TV.
It’s a lot.
Going live on Workday can feel quite a bit like those first few disconcerting weeks in a new house. You’ve got the vision in your head of what you ultimately want it to look like. You know you’ll eventually get there, but what you do right now will dictate if you’re still going to be ordering takeout six weeks from now because you haven’t figured out the gas stove yet, or if you’ll be hosting dinner parties for all your new neighbors out on the patio. This is especially true when you’ve used the Launch or Launch Express methodology – think of it as the movers dropping the boxes in all the right rooms, but finishing the unpacking and organization is still your responsibility.
Working Through Workday
Hitting the ground running is a great business technique, but if you’re new to Workday, you’re going to have to learn to crawl before you walk before you start sprinting towards your organizational goals. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, though. When you learn the fundamentals first, you’re a lot less likely to miss out on the golden opportunities that Workday offers across the board. According to a 2019 Gartner survey, roughly one-third of companies are wasting at least 21% of their software spending on things they never use. A lot of that comes from organizations that jump into new software focused solely on replicating their old processes rather than unlocking the potential to evolve those processes into something better.
In Workday’s case, that can be anything from machine learning (ML)-powered financial processes that pinpoint anomalies and pain points to always-on auditing to augmented analytics that give you new layers of insight into how well your employees are working apart as well in collaboration.
These are new technologies designed from the ground up to make your company work more efficiently and effectively, but if you don’t know the fundamentals of the system, implementing the more complex ones that really set Workday apart.
Help is on the Way
Where your knowledge of Workday ends and a gap appears between you and a streamlined day-to-day operation, that’s where an optimization specialist can help. Instead of struggling through a rocky start, getting post-production support can offer a quick trip to stabilization, maximizing the important processes that you must have, and guiding you forward to learn the ones that you want to build on top of that base. You know your business best, but Workday technical knowledge and the experience to integrate swiftly and successfully are a horse of a different color. Finding the expert to get it up and running to your specifications is like hiring the company that not only moves you, but also unpacks you. They take the burden off the heavy lifting, so you can get to living your best life – at home or in the workplace.
If your organization could benefit from some additional Workday expertise, please fill out the form below to talk with someone at ERPA.