What to Expect During Your ERPA Cloud Migration Assessment

Cloud migration is often considered the domain of IT. But many business partners recognize the benefits of a cloud migration but may not be sure where or how to start. While many people with legacy back office systems such as PeopleSoft are comfortable with on-premises scenarios, life in the cloud environment is affordable and intuitive. If you don’t consider yourself a cloud migration expert, this article is for you.
ERPA has helped many customers evaluate cloud services and we feel confident Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers the platform and flexibility that benefits most so we offer a complimentary assessment for organizations to evaluate an AWS cloud migration. This primer will give you a better look at how to migrate to AWS utilizing ERPA’s cloud migration services, what the process entails, and the expected outcomes so that when your company have a cloud environment, you can hit the ground running at full speed – and perhaps, help lead the way.
What is an ERPA Cloud Migration Assessment and What Challenges Can it Address?
Much like any conversion process, there is considerable planning involved in migrating to the cloud. A cloud migration assessment allows ERPA to get a look under the hood at your organization to understand which applications will benefit most by moving to the cloud. The prioritization of those applications is based on business benefit. A sensible timeline is constructed, taking in account contextual factors such as team size and bandwidth, business priorities, and budget.
Every company is different, so performing the assessment allows ERPA’s cloud migration experts the chance to fully articulate what your company needs to succeed in the virtual environment. Even if your background is IT-based, a business case needs to be built and agreed upon by stakeholders, so this foundational step should not be overlooked.
When ERPA performs a cloud migration assessment, it’s not for the purpose of a sales pitch. The purpose is to cultivate a how-to assessment that will guide your company from its current environment to life on the cloud, breaking down the potential benefits and savings of such a journey. What are some of the key areas that the assessment will show the need for change in? They include:
Your Workforce
What skillsets are needed in your workforce? Are they specialized and/or localized? Workforce evolutions are constant, but post-COVID there are new impacts to your workforce pool. An assessment compares current to needed state of your workforce, and layers in the on-premise vs cloud scenarios.
Your Data Security
Cybersecurity continues to be a huge potential disaster for every organization that does business or has business operations on the Internet, and criminals continue to target unsuspecting organizations whose profiles suggest their security might not be up to snuff. Being able to lock your proprietary information and your customers’ all-important user data behind the protection of Amazon Web Services’ powerful security detail.
Your Day-to-Day Needs
One of the toughest challenges any organization must face is flexibility and scale. Commonly, organizations must max out spending a few times a year when considerably more bandwidth and processing power is needed, even if the rest of the year is just the opposite. The ERPA Cloud Migration Assessment can shine the spotlight on massive savings that come from being able to scale up when high compute and big bandwidth is the order of the day, then scale back, at a tremendous cost savings, when it is no longer necessary.
Schedule Your ERPA Cloud Migration Assessment
If you have any questions regarding your cloud migration assessment, or if you’re ready to get started, please fill out the form below and someone from our experienced ERPA AWS cloud migration and managed services team will reach out.