Everything You Need to Know About PeopleSoft Selective Adoption

Published On: March 17th, 20222.1 min read

PeopleSoft is a powerful back-office software solution and is utilized by many organizations around the world. Many organizations using don’t allocate time to optimize their system, and this sometimes results in a stagnated configuration.

While release upgrades are a thing of the past, updates are regularly rolled out utilizing PeopleSoft Selective Adoption and delivered through periodic PUM releases. Using Selective Adoption to optimize your solution is critical to ongoing success. Some companies may be taking an all-or-none approach and aren’t utilizing Selective Adoption in the manner that it was intended.

For the “all” approach the impact on the bandwidth of their teams is significant and this encourages organizations to entertain the “none” approach. The highest rate of return, however, will come from PeopleSoft Selective Adoption; by reviewing each upgrade, understanding its downstream impacts, and selecting to implement based upon how (or whether) the update will serve your business needs.

Not sure what PeopleSoft “Selective Adoption” really entails? Here are some suggested criteria by which you can measure an upcoming update and evaluate whether it is the right fit for your organization:

Look at the Release as a Combination of Patches and Functional Change

Each of these threads should be evaluated independently. Patches should be applied in a methodical, predictable manner. The key is to make applying patches routine by driving efficiency through automation and the reduction of engagement for testing by the functional staff. Functional changes should be collected for review on a periodic, predictable basis for deployment when the impact to the business calendar is lowest.

Apply Patches Routinely, but Be Precise With Functional Change

Selective Adoption is exactly that – look for solutions that will positively impact the operating environment.

Don’t Ignore Your Current Processes

While technically not a part of Oracle’s Selective Adoption, a process of continuous improvement should be adopted in parallel with this effort. While reviewing newly delivered functionality, also re-evaluate current process and utilize the same mechanism to drive change to existing process.

ERPA is Here to Help With PeopleSoft Selective Adoption

ERPA is passionate that having a “legacy system” doesn’t mean that your system should go stagnant. Optimizations are critical to keeping your system fresh and efficient – watch our on demand webinar to learn more, or download our quick guide. Interested in speaking with someone about how we can help you PeopleSoft, whether it’s for a project or managed services? Fill out the form below to speak with someone today.

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